
ospatrol-remoted is the server side daemon that communicates with the agents. It can listen to port 1514/udp (for OSPatrol communications) and/or 514 (for syslog). It runs as ospatrolr and is chrooted to /var/ospatrol by default. ospatrol-remoted is configured in the <remote> section of ospatrol.conf. (see ospatrol.conf: Remote Options)

ospatrol-remoted argument options


Run in debug mode.


Version and license information.


Display the help message.


Test configuration.

-u <user>

Run ospatrol-remoted as <user>.

Default: ospatrolm

-g <group>

Run ospatrol-remoted as <group>.

-c <config>

Run ospatrol-remoted using <config> as the configuration file.

Default: /var/ospatrol/etc/ospatrol.conf

-D <dir>

Chroot to <dir>.

Default: /var/ospatrol